Tuesday, April 13, 2010

And so it begins....

I love to cook. My husband loves to eat and has a healthy appetite. A better match could never be found. When I married all those years ago :) I knew that I would take over cooking at la casa de Borek about 99% of the time. I came armed with several tried and true recipes from my entire life that I knew I liked and could make. With a picky appetite such as mine (I hate Thanksgiving dinner) I was also hoping to add to my recipe stash with some fresh meat so to speak. I started following several food blogs and have had great luck with my finds. I don't want to brag but I am a good cook and Brad enjoys it immensely. I decided to do this because I'm crazy. Yes, with a new baby I don't have much time but I thought this would make for an excellent catalog for me to find my favorite foods quick as well as share them with people. I have had requests for my recipes before and this seems the easiest way to get them to people. And, in the next year or so I will have to start finding kid friendly and nutritious meals to add to my recipe box so I hope to maybe network some of those out of this. So, please join me in my culinary adventures-Happy Eating!

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