Monday, May 10, 2010

Roasted Potatoes...on the grill

I kind of made this one up and researched online how long I would need to put them on the grill for. I love grilled veggies and these were good! I made them to go with our Mother's Day dinner.

Roasted Potoatoes

4-5 large potatoes
1 medium sweet onion
2 bell peppers (I had an orange and yellow on hand-you can use whatever color you like)
garlic salt
poultry seasoning
4 tablespoons of butter cut in slices

preheat your grill on high heat
1. on your countertop lay out about 2 feet of tin foil.
2. cut the potatoes into large slices or wedges and place them down the center of the foil. Cut up the onion and the peppers and mix in with the potatoes.
3. sprinkle with salt, pepper, garlic salt and poultry seasoning. top with the butter slices.
4. fold in the ends and sides of the foil making a packet around the potatoes. Wrap in a second piece of foil going in the opposite direction of the first piece.
5. place on grill for about 45 minutes.

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