Monday, May 17, 2010

The Pioneer Woman's Chicken with mushrooms and artichokes....sort of

In food blog world Pioneer Woman is a legend. Revered by any blogger worth the salt in her recipes :) She is a wonder and rumor has it that they are now even making a movie about HER life. All because she started a blog! Her story is quite interesting and she has a way with words. She is a pro in the kitchen without ever taking real cooking course and her recipes are inspiring. I haven't done one...until now. This one was great for us. We always have tons of chicken in the house and we LOVE mushrooms in anything and Brad had just picked up a carton of fresh ones and asked if I could 'make something with these in it'...but of course he gave no suggestions ;) I really enjoyed this recipe but think I may try to add some cheese to the sauce next time. Don't judge, I told you we like cheese. Oh, and of course I had everything in the house so you know I jumped on this recipe (but I did tweak it since we don't like artichokes). However, I did the unspeakable. I committed the worst crime when it comes to handing on recipes. I forgot to take a picture!!! But, go to Pioneer Woman's website if you want to see this complete project. Plus, she has photos of EVERY step in the recipe. And, she is hilarious. Go see her site. You'll love it. I promise.

Pioneer Woman's chicken with Mushrooms and Artichokes

8 whole chicken legs or thighs (my package only had 5 legs)
Salt and pepper to taste
3 tablespoons olive oil
16 ounces white mushrooms, sliced
5 whole garlic cloves, minced (I thought this would be too much but did it me-do all 5!)
1/2 cup white wine (I omitted. Didn't have any cooking wine in the house. Only the good stuff and since I can't drink it I didn't open it :))
2 cups chicken broth (more as needed)
1 14.5 ounce can artichoke hearts-drained, rinsed and patted dry
1 cup heavy cream
freshly chopped chives to taste (you know I didn't have fresh ones)
Freshly grated parmesan
16 ounces pasta cooked and drained

1. Salt and pepper chicken pieces.
2. Heat olive oil in a large skillet over medium high heat. Add chicken to pan and brown for 1-2 minutes. Remove chicken from skillet.
3. Add mushrooms to pan with garlic. Stir around and allow to cook for a few minutes. Add wine and cook allowing it to evaporate a bit.
4. Pour in chicken broth. It should make the sauce very liquidy. Stir to get all the bits off the bottom of the pan. Return chicken to pan. Add artichoke hearts.
5. Place lid on pan and cook for 30 minutes on medium low heat. Check often to be sure the chicken broth hasn't evaporated. If it has just add a bit more.
6. Remove lid and turn heat to low. Remove chicken once more. Pour in cream and stir it around. Add chives and then put chicken back in pan. Put lid back on and continue cooking for 10 minutes to allow sauce to thicken.
7. Pour over pasta and top with parmesan and more chives.

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