Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Shrimp Scampi

Brad and I both love seafood. I haven't eaten it much lately with being pregnant and now nursing but I still love it. One of our favorites when we go out to eat is shrimp scampi and Brad has always asked me to find out how to make it. Well, I did some research and kind of combined a couple of scampi recipes off of allrecipes.com. We found frozen shrimp for a really good price at Kroger a few weeks ago and I finally tried it out. I defrosted way too much so I had enough for two days and this was even better as leftovers. I served it over pasta and called it a meal.

Shrimp Scampi

1 pound peeled, deveined shrimp (I used frozen with tails on)
1 stick butter
4 cloves garlic, diced
1 Tablespoon lemon juice
crushed red pepper flakes

Preheat oven to 350
1. Arrange shrimp in a circular pattern in a casserole dish or pie plate.
2. In a medium sauce pan melt butter. As butter is melting at garlic to pan and allow to simmer until fragrant. Add lemon juice and simmer for about 5 minutes.
3. Add salt, pepper and red pepper flakes to taste.
4. Pour over shrimp in casserole dish and top with some of the parsley. Cook for 25-35 minutes or until shrimp are hot and sauce is bubbly. Check on it after 10 minutes to be sure it isn't drying up.
Serve over pasta or as a side to steak or other seafood dish.

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